This weekend its all about Christmas for me! I am decorating the house, the office and finishing up my Christmas cards! Have I mentioned I LOVE Christmas?
I have been thinking about the supplies I need to get down and dirty making every ones gifts! I have so much to do and so little time...a much heard seasonal chant. I have also been thinking, as usual around this time of year how can I help?
This season is famous for massive spending and consumerism..lets take a moment to just be thankful for what we have! Our Families, near and far, Our health, though we may have challenges we are here to enjoy yet another Christmas.
So many people around the world have little or nothing and its times like these that we must cherish our many gifts and think of those in need. Keep them close to our hearts and in our minds and be aware that if we are in a position to help those less fortunate, now is as good a time as any to give all you can.
Be it sponsoring a local Charity dinner, lending a hand buying presents for a family that you know needs it, or just offering a smile to someone having a bad day - Each one of these things keeps the spirit of the holiday alive.
When I was a nanny for children aged 3 and 5 we decided that at Christmas time we would go through all of their toys and choose some to give away to children in need. The kids were so generous and had so much fun delivering them to the shelter, they really felt that they had made someones holiday that much brighter and I encourage each family to do the same. Teaching your children the value of sharing and caring is something that will stay with them throughout their lives and hopefully bring an end our our often selfish ways...
Cheers and may your holiday season
be magical!
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