This weekend was PRIDE Weekend here in Vancouver and Sunday was a glorious and sunny day perfect for walking the streets of downtown taking in the PRIDE Parade! My housemates put together a float for Canadian Federation of Students and it was outta sight!! Here are a few photos that show just how much PRIDE we have in Vancity!!

These folks worked really hard Saturday morning/afternoon to get this Student Debt Lifeboat a float! Props to everyone who helped out! Gay, straight, purple,red or green most students have such a hard time with the debt load that is almost common place when embarking on their life's journey upon graduation! It's time we take a stand and lower tuitions, offer more education grants and help out the people who are looking to better their own lives and the lives of those around them by furthering thier education!! Let's have PRIDE in our students!

Till next time,
BC CFS are awesome! See ya there next year!
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